Bulimia nervosa & Anorexia nervosa
Eating Disorders are a serious and sometime fatal illness that cause dissatisfaction in a person’s eating behaviors (Erkens, 2017). Common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating. Anorexia nervosa is when a person starves themselves leading to severe nutrient deficiency. Bulimia nervosa is when a person binge eats and then purges soon after to prevent weight gain (Boyse,2010). Someone with this disorder may ask to use the bathroom after eating and may notice the person has broken blood vessels around their eyes or are pale after purging. Binge-eating is when a person loses control over their eating. People with this disorder tend to either purge, exercise excessively, or fast.Eating disorders usually appear during teen age and young adult ages (Boyse, 2010). Eating disorders affect females and males, although it’s often seen more in females. People with eating disorders are very concerned with their body image, resulting in eating very little to nothing. Others may over eat and/or purge what they have eaten. Research has found that eating disorders are caused by genetic, biological, behavioral, psychological, and social factors. Eating disorders are treatable through medical assistance, a healthy nutrition, bringing weight to a stable level, no excessive exercises, and stopping binging and purging. Eating disorders often cause other illnesses, like depression, substance abuse, or anxiety disorder.
Instructional Strategies
Have a positive and understanding relationship with the student
Try not to make comment or show body images, if needed to, make sure there are realistic body images.
Be in constant contact with parents, and the supporters (Social Worker, Counselor, etc).
Consider giving more time to complete work, since the persons mind will be focused on him/her being starving.
Develop an IEP plan and set goals for the student to achieve.
Always be aware of risky behaviors, and always report to a parent or support team.
Useful Websites
https://www.teachspeced.ca/eating-disorder-strategies this website offers different strategies to use in the classroom for a person who has an eating disorder.
https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/eating-disorders/index.shtml this website explains what eating disorders are and they symptoms they produce. It also provides the different types of eating disorders and their differences.
http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/eatdis.htm this website discusses what eating disorders are and how families can help their child if they have a eating disorder.
http://www.bulimiaguide.org/summary/detail.aspx?doc_id=9506 this website is useful for teachers as it helps with noticing signs or eating disorders and how they can help.
http://nedawareness.org/ This website is the National Eating Disorder Associations website that provides help for those with an eating disorder and how people can get involved in raising awareness for eating disorders.
This research is is proving how brain pathways work differently for people with eating disorders.
This research discusses the studies and test of eating disorders. EAT-26 is the most effective test that will help someone know if there eating disorder needs medical attention.
This research is done by the University of Chicago and it's research program offers many different programs such as, Peer Relations and Problematic Eating, Clinical Outcomes Study, and Cognitive Flexibility and Eating Disorder symptoms.
Statistics on Eating Disorders in the United States
about 8 million Americans are affected by an eating disorder
50% of Americans know someone with an eating disorder
10-15% of people with Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa are males
95% of people with an eating disorders are aged 12-25.
50% of teenage girls and 30% of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control, such as, skipping meals, fasting, vomiting, etc to control their weight
25% of college women binge and purge to help maintain their weight
Eating Disorders: Shattering Pervasive Myths [Infographic]. (2017, February 06). Retrieved November 07, 2017, from http://www.mysouthernhealth.com/infographic-what-parents-need-to-know-about-eating-disorders/
Eating Disorder Statistics for Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating. (n.d.). Retrieved November 07, 2017, from https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/information/statistics-studies
Erken, J., Eating Disorders: Symptoms, Signs, Causes & Articles For Treatment Help. (n.d.).
Retrieved December 06, 2017, from https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/information/eating-disorder
Eating Disorders. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2017, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/eating-disorders/index.shtml
Eating Disorder Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2017, from https://www.teachspeced.ca/eating-disorder-strategies
University of Michigan Health System. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2017, from http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/eatdis.htm