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Bipolar disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness. It is a chronic behavior and brain disorder distinguished by a severe shift in a persons energy or mood(Brain and Behavior Research Foundation). It is mostly in adults and starts during late adolescence or early adulthood, but it can also be presented in children. Only about 3% percent of children have this disorder because it’s most common in adults. Symptoms for bipolar disorder include episodes of mood swings that can make a person feel very low(depressed) or high(manic). Symptoms of this disorder include: Euphoric mood, extreme irritability, poor concentration, sleeplessness, abuse of drugs and alcohol, feeling of hopelessness and denial that anything is wrong. 

Currently, Bipolar disorder cannot yet be diagnosed physiologically by blood tests or brain scans (Brain and Behavior Research Foundation). The diagnosis is simply based on showing strong symptoms and family history. Before someone is diagnosed however, medical professionals have to rule out other medical conditions that may cause mood disturbance such as brain tumors or a stroke.Doctors usually diagnose brain and behavior disorders using guidelines from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM. According to the DSM, there are four basic types of bipolar disorder:

-Bipolar 1 Disorder- This type is mainly defined by manic or mixed episode that last up to or more than seven days. Also when the symptoms are so strong that the person needs hospital care. 

-Bipolar 2 Disorder- This type is defined by depressing episodes shifting back and forth but not full-out manic or mixed episodes.

-Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified- This type is when the persons symptoms don't meet the criteria to be placed in either 1 or 2. The symptoms might not last long enough or there may be too few symptoms.

-Cyclothymic Disorder- This is a mild form of bipolar disorder that goes back and forth with depression that lasts for about tow years(Brain and Behavior Research Foundation).

Instructional Strategies

There is no real cure for this disorder but there are mood altering medications that can be given to lessen the episodes and psychotherapy. Depending on the severity of the episodes the medication will be altered but the most common medication given is lithium. Therapy works by talking and helping children change their behavior and manage their routines. With time the child will get better in trying to control such episodes with the medication and the therapy. To be more effective it is useful to keep data on a  chart or phone of the child’s behavior, mood and sleep pattern(National Institute of Mental Health). This helps not only to track the illness, but also to see if the medication is effective. The most effective way to help a child with bipolar disorder is to get to know them and learn what type of accommodations they may need. Some students may be bothered by too much noise or light or may need more time to process certain things(BP Children).

Useful Websites


This website does research on bipolar disease and gives great information on symptoms, diagnosis and possible treatments. It also has great information on other types of brain disorders and their symptoms.

This website also has information on symptoms, diagnoses and what to do if you or a loved one has bipolar disorder.

This website gives great information specifically on children with bipolar disorder in the classroom and ways teachers can deal with it. It gives information on how to treat the student and  how a teacher can help a students learn more effectively.



There are many trials being done to improve the treatment of bipolar disorder. There is a study that shows that a daily dose of bright light can brighten a persons mood who is going through low episode. About 68% of those who received the bright light therapy showed improvement(Brain and Behavior Research Foundation). The participants were given a dose of bright light lasting 15 minutes, and each session increasing the time until an hour is reached. The study also states that the timing of light throughout the day is crucial because if given in the morning it can cause episodes of mania.


•   Can be confused with ADHD or Depression

•   About 60 million people are affected with bipolar disease worldwide.

•    Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as depression in women or schizophrenia in men.

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